Scientific Name: Pentacalia carchiensis Cuatrec.
Caption: Pentacalia suboppositifolia & lophophila & Senecio carchiensis 4027.tif
Photographer: Gil Cuatrecasas; National Museum of Natural History Collections
Manager: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Image Source:
Notes: Harvest via EOL on 2014-06-23; A. Head, B. and C. Bracts, D. Ray Flower, E. Disk Flower, F. Style, L. Anther, V. Leaf G. Head, H. and I. Bracts, J. Anther, K. Disk Flower, Q. Style W. Leaf,  M. Head, N. and P. Bracts, O. Anther, R. Disk Floret, S. Style, T. Disk Flower, U. Apex of Corolla Lobe
Copyright: This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws.
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