L., Sp. Pl.183.1753 Herb, generally 25-100 cm tall, glabrous or sparsely and inconspicuously pubescent with antrorse appressed trichomes on stems, leaves, pedicels, calyces, and especially major veins of lower leaf surfaces. Leaves alternate; petioles mostly 1-8 cm long; blades +/- ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, acute to rounded at base, mostly 3-14 cm long, 1.5-10 cm wide, sparsely and irregularly toothed to entire. Flowers 5-parted, solitary in leaf axils; pedicels slender, 6-12 mm long (longer in fruit); flowering calyx 4-7 mm long, divided to near middle, the lobes sharply acute; corolla pale yellow to white, +/- campanulate, 6-12 mm long, not dark-dotted inside; anthers blue, (1) 2-2.5 mm long, considerably shorter than filaments; ovary ovoid, ca 1 mm long; style 3 mm long. Fruiting calyces inflated, ovoid, 2-3.5 cm long and ca 2 cm wide, 10-angled or ribbed, greenish, glabrous to inconspicuously pubescent (especially on lobes); berries globose, ca 1 cm diam, yellow; seeds numerous, disk-shaped, ca 1 mm long. Ebinger 594. Rare, occurring in clearings. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year. The only collection known from the island is a mixed collection by Ebinger (594), which also contains a specimen of P. pubescens. The species is similar to P. pubescens, but distinguished by being glabrate or sparsely short-pubescent, by its smooth fruit, and by the lack of a dark eye in the corolla. Manitoba to southern Argentina; much of the Old World. In Panama, known from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone, Bocas del Toro, Herrera, Panama, and Darien, from tropical dry forest in Panama (Taboga Island), and from tropical wet forest in Colón.